A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus by Elizabeth George Book Review

Elizabeth George Cover - Reflects the Heart
A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus: 30 Days to Christlike Character by Elizabeth George shares 30 different characteristics that Jesus exemplifies and demonstrates along with ways we can apply them to our lives. Who, among followers of Jesus, does not desire to know Him more and understand Him better and in doing that cultivate a life more like His?

True to her previous writings, George uses scriptures and Biblical stories as well as personal antidotes to support her ideas. I appreciate that she shares real life with us and not just her shining moments. Each chapter has a section that shows us how Jesus life reveals the character trait of that chapter, questions and ponderings to reflect upon your heart, and a prayer. There are also added stories depending on the topic and often simple things you can work on to build your character. Character traits such as patience, thankfulness, focus, and discipline are developed.

I recommend A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus to women who want to do a character study, need a short devotional book to do alone or with friends, and anyone who has yet to read Elizabeth George. After having read many of her books over the years, I imagine that if I had the opportunity to sit down with her for tea, she would be a wealth of spiritual knowledge and a gentle heart. God has certainly gifted her as a writer who draws hearts toward Him.

Have you read anything by Elizabeth George?

I was given this book free by Harvest House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter Book Review


The premise of The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter, although implausible, seemed like fun.  Kate was dumped just hours before she was to walk down the aisle to the man of her dreams. Because of her public persona as a marriage guru, she was thrown into accepting the hand of her landlord, whom she scarcely knew and cared little for.

Kate’s unfortunate abandonment at the alter for some reason captured my interest. I found myself drifting along with the story reading each word (which I often do not do while reading Christian fiction). I enjoyed how Kate began to see her new husband in a different light despite the vast differences between them.  The author portrayed Lucas as a Godly man waiting patiently for the woman he secretly loved, although be forewarned the focus on them being Christians is minimal.

I would caution that I could never suggest such a light acceptance of marrying “whomever” no matter what you would be giving up professionally. Kate mentions often that the “fake” marriage would end after everything had blown over. Because the Bible is clear on this subject, that made me a bit uncomfortable as did a few of the other related ideas and situations. However, knowing the book is fiction and from the clear predictable direction of the plot the reader can know that it does work out and a lesson will be learned in the process.

I did enjoy the story and if you are looking for a summer beach read, check out The Convenient Groom.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”